Microbiome and Gastrointestinal Immunology Consortium
The Microbiome and Gastrointestinal Immunology Consortium (MAGIC) is a collaboration amongst scientists and physicians at the University of Utah with focus on the microbiome and gastrointestinal (GI) diseases.
The MAGIC Biobank is a collection of biospecimens from GI or GI Surgery patients who are dedicated to the advancement of translational research to improve GI health. The MAGIC Biobank seeks to minimize barriers of translational research by creating a mechanism for patients, clinicians, and scientists to contribute to cutting-edge GI health research.
The MAGIC Biobank is made possible through collaborations between the Departments of Medicine, Pathology, and the 3i.
For Patients
Join the biobank today!
If you have an upcoming GI or GI surgery appointment or procedure/surgery and would like to donate your time and/or samples to advancing healthcare, please email us.
Sample Types
GI tissue biopsies (luminal)
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Stool (fresh frozen or nucleic acid preserved)
GI secretions
Special: GI mucosal brushings, orifical swabs, urine, pancreatic biopsies, liver biopsies, surgical resection/excision tissue
For Researchers
University of Utah Investigators and extramural investigators are encouraged to collaborate and utilize resources of the MAGIC Biobank.
Costs for utilization of samples varies depending on the request. For large projects with unique requests, we encourage investigators to incorporate the MAGIC Biobank into grant budgets. Nonspecialized requests such as serum can be accomplished in a fee-for-service model.
Please contact us with questions, we are happy to set up a meeting to discuss collaborations or biospecimen possibilities. Please fill out the form if you know your biobanking needs.